
ponedjeljak, 16.03.2009.

U potrazi za dvostrukim spiralnim stubištem/ In search of the double spiral staircase

Dragi Čitatelji,
Budući da su Golly&bossy kolektivno sudjelovali u ovoj avanturi, sad ne pišemo jedni drugima nego se obraćamo vama, našoj vjernoj publici.
Dakle, nekoliko puti godišnje Golly&bossy migriraju na sjever, na zelene pašnjake Ikee i H&Ma, ali cili izlet ima i kulturološku stranu jer se Golly&bossy duhovno uzdižu kad kolo njih svi govoru na stranen jeziku, a kafa se plaća u eurima.

Several times a year Golly&bossy migrate north, to the green pastures of Ikea and H&M, but the whole trip has a spiritual side because Golly&bossy are enriched when everybody around them talk in foreign language, and the coffee is payed in euros.

Što se tiče kafe, Austrija ima očajnu kafu. Prvu smo popili na Rosenbergeru Grawa Ost, odmorištu koje dili ćikare. Tamo imaju formular za debile na kojem se zaokružuju smješko ili nesmješko. Ne budimo lijeni, ispunili smo formular i još im napisali upute kako da popravu kafu to jest da za kafu koristu više kafe manje vode.

Regarding the coffee, Austria has horrible coffee. First one we had at the Rosenberger, a highway restaurant where they have a feedback form for idiots with smiley and non-smiley to circle. We filled in the form and wrote the instructions on how to improve their coffee i.e. to use more coffee and less water.

Što se tiče shoppinga s H&Mom smo prilično razočarani još od prošle sezone, a Ikea je bila standardno plodonosna. Ovo su rezultati:
As for the shopping H&M disappointed us, and Ikea was good as usual. The results are on the photo.

Ali to je manje važno, važno je di smo još bili i što smo još vidili po Grazu. A i usnimili našon novon kameron (klik). Prošli put (klik) smo obahodili Schlossberg, ovi put smo po internetu išćali što još drugo ima po Grazu. I našli dvostruko spiralno stubište. To je to, rekli smo, to je to što moramo vidit.

But that is not that important, the important thing is where we were and what we saw in Graz. And what photos we took with our new camera (click). Last time (click) we discovered the Schlossberg, and this time we were searching internet for more. And we discovered the double spiral staircase. That is it, we said, that is what we have to see.

Nažalost, želja nam se ni ispunila. Dvostruko spiralno stubište nismo uspili nać neka smo cilu ulicu Hofgasse obašli dva puta i raspitivali se u domorodaca koji nisu imali pojma o čemu govorimo. Dvostruko spiralno stubište i dalje ćemo gledat samo na internetu (klik) i to
Nam ostaje misija za drugi put, a pokazat ćemo vam što smo još vidlii.
Unfortunately, our plan failed. We couldn’t find the double spiral staircase although we walked the Hofgasse street twice and asked the natives, who were kind but had no idea what we’re talking about. For now we’ll be enjoying the double spiral staircase on internet only (click), it remains our mission for the next trip and now check other things we saw.

Npr. ovu pekaru s najimpozantnijim izlogom ikad igdje. Höfbackerei Edegger-Tax peče od 1569., a dvoglavi orao iznad vrati znači da je tamo peciva kupovala i kraljevska kuća. Nažalost, dok smo min došli do nje pekara je već zatvorila. Stvarno nismo imali sriće s razgledavanjem. Drugi put, drugi put.
Like this bakery with the most impressive shop window ever. Höfbackerei Edegger-Tax bakes bread since 1569, and two headed eagle above the doors means that royal house bought the pastries there. Unfortunately, the bakery closed by the time we got to it. We really weren’t lucky with sightseeing. Next time, next time.

Onda smo se spustili do rijeke i vidili butigu Kitsch&kunst (klik. Golly&bossy su potpuno odani i kiču i umjetnosti i zato smo pojurili tamo, ali opet pojubili vrata. U smokve i komme gleich.
Then we came down to the river, and saw the shop named Kitsch&kunst (klik. Golly&bossy are absolutely loyal both to kitsch and the art so we rune to the shop just to find the closed doors and komme gleich message.

Dobro, nije sve tako crno. Tako smo našli ovu lipu malu skulpturu sv. Egidija, točno iza katedrale. Nikad nismo čuli za njega, zato smo ga zguglali i našli o njemu na stranicama veloluške župe (klik). I sad, da ni sve povezano?
OK, not everything turned out bad. For example we’ve found this beautiful little sculpture of st. Agidius, just behind the cathedral.

A u međuvremenu je došlo i proljeće.
In the meantime the spring has arrived.

Na kraju se utičemo sv. Egidiju u pomoć da drugi put bolje prođemo u H&Mu i da pekara i Kunst&Kitsch budu otvoreni i naravno, da se uspenjemo i skalamo dvostrukim spiralnim stubištem.

At the end we’ll ask st. Aegidius for help. We want to find better stuff at H&M to find the bakery and the Kunst&Kitsch open, and of course to climb the double spiral staircase.

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